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Date : 1997-05-21
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Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology ~ Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology And Biotechnology 1st Edition by Avigad Vonshak Editor 50 out of 5 stars 1 rating ISBN13 9780748406746 ISBN10 9780748406746 Why is ISBN important ISBN This barcode number lets you verify that youre getting exactly the right version or edition of a book
Spirulina platensis Arthrospira Physiology cell ~ Spirulina biomass with annual sales estimated at 40 million US much more has to be done not only in the optimization of the production but in more basic research in understanding the basics of the physiology biochemistry and genetics of this alga This volume consists of two parts the first deals with basic information on morphology
Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology ~ Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology And Biotechnology CRC Press Book This text contains detailed descriptions of both the biology and the biotechnological uses of Spirulina Platensis a bluegreen algae which has been recognized and used worldwide as a traditional source of protein in the food
Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology ~ This text contains detailed descriptions of both the biology and the biotechnological uses of Spirulina Platensis a bluegreen algae which has been recognized and used worldwide as a traditional source of protein in the food
Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira Physiology CellBiology ~ This text contains detailed descriptions of both the biology and the biotechnological uses of Spirulina Platensis a bluegreen algae which has been recognized and used worldwide as a traditional source of protein in the food
PDF Vonshak A Ed Spirulina platensis Arthrospira ~ Spirulina platensis Arthrospira Physiology Cell Biology and Biotechnology Article PDF Available in Photosynthetica 384552552 · January 2000 with 1008 Reads
Spirulina Growth Physiology and Biochemistry ~ Spirulina platensis Arthrospira 44 the generation time g of a culture is 33 These equations are true for the logarithmic or exponential phase of growth in batch cultures When growing an algal culture in a continuous mode such as in a chemostat or turbidostat the equations are modified so that 34
Growth and Content of Spirulina Platensis Biomass ~ As information of light intensity and temperature variables in Spirulina sp cultivations under controlled conditions is useful indoor cultivations due to the fact that they are not subject to daily oscillations of such variables may facilitate checking of the simultaneous effect of such variables on the cell growth In addition the indoor cultivation may result in a biomass additionally free of impurities and contaminations facilitating the treatment operations for application in food
Mass production of Spirulina an edible microalga ~ Spirulina Arthrospira is a filamentous cyanobacterium that is grown commercially for food and feed and as a food coloring and additive Currently there are many companies producing Spirulina in different countries to the tune of 3000 tons a year
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