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Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a ~ Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a crystalline electric field and tunnelling centres The ordinary singlechannel Kondo model consists of one or more spin½ local moments interacting antiferromagnetically with conduction electrons in a metal
Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a ~ title Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a crystalline electric field and tunnelling centres abstract The ordinary singlechannel Kondo model consists of one or more spin12 local moments interacting antiferromagnetically with conduction electrons in a metal
Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a ~ Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunelling Centres CRC Press Book This provides a major review of the twolevel system Kondo model as applied to metallic glasses nanoscale devices and some doped semiconductors and the quadripolar and magnetic twochannel Kondo models developed for rareearth and actinide ions with crystal splitting metals
Exotic Kondo effects in metals magnetic ions in a ~ The simplest extension of this ordinary Kondo model in metals which yields exotic nonFermiliquid physics is the multichannel Kondo impurity model in which the conduction electrons are given an extra quantum label known as the channel or flavour index In the overcompensated regime of this model nonFermiliquid physics is possible
Title Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a ~ Title Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunneling Centers Authors Cox Davis A Zawadowski Technical University of Budapest Submitted on 10 Apr 1997 v1 last revised 28 Aug 1997 this version v3
Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a ~ Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunneling Centers This review article provides an overview of the physics of the twochannel Kondo impurity model as manifested in twolevel systems in metals and certain actinidelanthanide ions in metals of the multiplicative renormalization group
PDF Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a ~ Exotic Kondo effects in metals Magnetic ions in a crystalline electric field and tunnelling centres Article PDF Available in Advances In Physics 475599942 · August 1998 with 89 Reads
PDF Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a ~ Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunneling Centers Article PDF Available · April 1997 with 46 Reads How we measure reads
Full text of Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic ~ Full text of Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunneling Centers See other formats Exotic Kondo Effects in Metals Magnetic Ions in a Crystalline Electric Field and Tunneling Centers Cox Department of Physics The Ohio State University Columbus Ohio
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